About GCAT
Vision and Mission

The Governmental Collectors Associations of Texas is a nonprofit association that recognizes, supports, and serves governmental collection programs in the state of Texas. The association seeks to enhance the collection of fines and fees for governmental entities by promoting, innovation, information, and education within its membership and encouraging excellence.
It is the vision of this organization to make the state of Texas a recognized leader in the effective and efficient collection of due fines and fees.
The Governmental Collectors Association of Texas was formed October 28, 1999 and incorporated March 31, 2000. Members consist of professionals from across the state of Texas responsible for the collection of funds for the governmental entities in which they are employed. In early 1993 Dallas County took a serious look at how fines and court cost were being collected at the county court level. They implemented a collections program that proved so successful other counties soon followed suit.
The Texas Office of Court Administration became involved in working with the Texas judicial system in implementing programs designed to enhance court collections. At a collections workshop hosted by the Texas Office of Court Administration in early 1998, and attended by many managers of existing collection programs from around the state, a suggestion was made to form a network to share information and ideas. From this suggestion a free flow of information ranging from educational material to technology tools emerged. The advantage of sharing experiences and information was logical and productive. The inevitable next step was organization.